Corporate Governance Report
Corporate governance in Acroud AB (publ) (“Acroud”) is based on the articles of association, the Swedish Companies Act, Nasdaq Stockholm’s Rules for Issuers, the Swedish Corporate Governance Code (available at www. (“the Code”) and other applicable laws and rules. The Code forms part of the self-regulation of the Swedish corporate sector and is based on the comply or explain mechanism. This means that companies are not obliged to comply with every rule in the Code, but must openly report every deviation, describe the alternative solution they have chosen and explain their reasons for doing so. This corporate governance report relates to both the Parent Company Acroud AB and the Group.
Principles of corporate governance
Net Gaming applies statutory or other regulatory rules and the Code. The Company complies with the Code’s rules apart from deviations regarding the Nomination Committee (see separate section).
Corporate governance structure
At the AGM/shareholders’ meeting, the shareholders make the decisions and set the guidelines that form the basis for Acroud’s corporate governance. The organisational chart below summarises how corporate governance is organised in Acroud.