Board of Directors

Peter Åström
Board member since 2019
Number of shares in the company: -
Born: 1966
Education: Master of Science in Business Administration, Umeå University
Main current assignment: Own consulting business
Other current assignments/positions:
• Director, ENLABS AB • Director, Kama Net AB
• Deputy Director, Score 24 AB
• Director, EBC – Executive Board Consulting AB
• Director, Nordic Leisure Incentive AB
• CEO and Deputy Director, Baltic Gaming AB
• Deputy Director, Lifland Gaming AB
• Deputy Director, Mediarevolution Nu AB
Previous assignments/positions: –
Independent in relation to the company and the company management: Yes
Independent in relation to the company´s main owners: Yes
Holding: -
Peter Åström has vast experience from the gaming industry in various operative roles. He has served as CEO of Enlabs AB and as CEO of Entraction AB. Other roles include CEO Scanditoy AB, Alga AB, Hierta Venture and SVD Venture, Manager, Aftonbladet Nya Medier, Assistant Publishing Manager, Bonnier DataMedia, and Country Manager, EF Språkresor.

Richard Gale
Other current assignments/positions:
• Founder, The Anorak Group
Previous assignments/positions:
• Vice President Sports, Catena AB (publ), 2017-2020
• Chief Operating Officer, Rise Project London, 2015-2016
• Founder/Director, Agit8or Media Ltd (publ), 2014-2015
Independent in relation to the company and the company management: Yes
Independent in relation to the company´s main owners: Yes

Jørgen Beuchert
Number of shares in the company: 28,661,464
Number of stock options: -
Born: 1958
Education: BBA from Copenhagen Business School
Current assignments/positions:
• CEO Nordic Corporate Investment A/S
CEO NCI Credit Opportunity Fund A/S
Owner/Board member/CEO NCI Advisory A/S
Owner/director G4 HOLDING ApS
Owner/director JLB INVEST ApS
Owner/director Annexstræde 6 ApS
Board member Future Gaming Group International AB
Board member Nordic Trading Company AB
Board member/CEO/Owner NCIA Finance Aps
Board member Scandinavian Investment Group A/S
Board member Selandia Ejendomskapital Aps.
Board member GNAB Holding AB
Independent in relation to the company and the company management: Yes
Independent in relation to the company´s main owners: Yes
Jørgen Beuchert has a bachelor degree in finance and has more than 40 years of
experience in the Nordic and international financial world in some of the largest
financial houses, primarily with investment, financing and management of investment
portfolios as competences. Jørgen is today CEO of NCI Advisory A/S, which
manages debt funds. He currently manages, through his management company NCI
Advisory A/S, more than DKK 700 million in debt investments for a number of the
country's large funds.

Daniel Barfoot
Number of shares in the company: -
Number of stock options: -
Born: 1978
Current assignments/positions:
• CMD Recruitment Ltd
Founder and Operations Manager, since 2004
Previous assignments/positions:
• Horse racing specialist
• British armed forces
Independent in relation to the company and the company management:Yes
Independent in relation to the company´s main owners:Yes
Dan is a proud veteran who now works in recruitment. Along with his brother, he
established CMD Recruitment back in 2004. Today, they area top independent
recruitment agency in the South West region of England.

Morten Marcussen
Number of shares in the company: 2,049,788
Number of stock options: -
Born: 1974
Education: Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration
Current assignments/positions:
• VOONIX.NET Chief Executive: Officer
• Power Media Group ApS: Owner
• Board member, PMG A/S 2016-
• Board member, Office2go A/s, 2013-
Previous assignments/positions:
• Partner, Matching Visions, 2013-2021
• Board member, Coop, 2016-2017
Independent in relation to the company and the company management: Yes
Independent in relation to the company´s main owners: No
Morten has +10 years experience within the Gaming industry and has +20 years
experience in Business development online. He is Master of Science in Economics
and Business Administration MSc with a focus on Design and communication
management. Morten has since 2018 been the CEO of Voonix, but also focuses on
business development in different areas of Acroud.